Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Same Old Same Old

Tomorrow we will wake up before the dawn and lace up our running shoes to participate in our city's annual "Turkey Trot". We'll probably arrive to the starting line late, as we often do. We probably won't mind - it's more about running into old friends and keeping up traditions that it is about crossing finish lines and getting exercise.

We'll pat ourselves on the back after our "work-out" by heading to my mom & dad's for a huge breakfast, followed by football, parades, and a huge lunch. We'll call my mother-in-law to wish her a Happy Birthday, wishing we could be in two places at once, helping her celebrate her special day! We'll watch more football, read the "Black Friday" ads, make plans for Christmas decorating, and head out for more family gatherings.

It will be the same old same old thing that we've done for the past 30 yrs or so. And nothing could please me more.

Because just one year ago, my mom & dad shared a hospital cafeteria-cooked turkey dinner in a room at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. And we kids tried to make the best of the day without them. But the turkey was way too big, and my sister got a stomach flu, and the weather (which was unseasonably warm even for Florida) permitted my son and nephew to go swimming on Thanksgiving Day! Which wasn't a bad thing, just not a very Thanksgiving-y thing, to do.

So this year, I am thankful... so very thankful that we get another year to celebrate our same old same old Thanksgiving. And that my dad is here to celebrate it with us. For that, I am SO VERY grateful to God!

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How I Kept Him Occupied

It takes a certain level of preparation to leave my house. Especially when I know that the dreaded errand ahead involves a certain discount superstore and a mile-long list that will force me to scavenge every square inch of said superstore.

With a baby in a cast (Yeah, I should post about that, shouldn't I?) and a boy recovering from dental surgery (yeah, that too) and a need to check SOMETHING off of our homeschool list for the day (Oh, yeah... did I mention that I've been homeschooling Drew this year?), I needed a creative way for everyone to survive our morning out.

The following list took approximately two minutes to compile and print. I quickly took a mental inventory of the subjects we've been studying and jotted down the following scavenger hunt checklist for the boy.

I grabbed the digital camera, my list, Drew's list, and a few snacks on my way out the door. We spent over an hour shopping, and I'm happy to report that both my children were enthusiastic and excited about the experience.

So, here's the list along with Drew's "answers" in picture form. Just in case you're looking for a new way to survive the same old errands today, too!

Something that starts with a "W"

Something that reminds you of what we learned about Plymouth Plantation:

Something that reminds you of the poem we're memorizing (don't ask!):

Something with the "CH" special sound:

Something smaller than 6 inches in length:

Something larger than 6 inches in length:

Something "Verde" (green):

Something Daddy would like:

One dozen of something:

One half dozen of something (2 drumsticks, 3 drums & 1 cymbal)

Something to add to your Christmas list:

Something with 2 syllables:

Something "Rojo" (red):

Something that costs 4 quarters:

Something to add to your Christmas list:

Something your friend Averi would like:

Something Miss M would like:

Something to add to your Christmas list (he could add as many as he wanted!):

Something more than $100.00

Something less than $5.00:

I hope to find a few minutes to document everything else that's been happening in our busy lives, including one VERY IMPORTANT decision my six-year old made just last night!