Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do I Have a Big Shoe Print On My Rear End?

Because today kicked my butt. Handily.

It all started when my precious, delightful, "good-sleeper" newborn decided that she would like some girl time. From 3am to 6am. She wasn't fussy. She wasn't hungry. She was just awake. Wide awake. And nothing I did convinced her that it was time to sleep.

When she finally dozed off at 5:55 am, I sighed, knowing that my alarm was set to wake me in a mere 20 minutes.

I hit the snooze button until 7 am, so the day started about an hour behind schedule.

I gently nudged my son awake, happy that we wouldn't have to fight about clothes. I knew today would be busy, so we had chosen his clothes the night before. Unfortunately, when Drew woke up, he had a change of heart about his wardrobe.

So, instead of the adorable red Nike shorts and matching layered t-shirts, he chose to wear a pair of bright green shorts with the shirt my brother brought back from his wedding in Jamaica. I admit, I had a hard time obeying the shirt's message to "Smile, Mon!"

Because of our late night party, Miss M had to be loaded into the car still asleep in her jammies as we headed off to preschool. When she woke up, screaming for her breakfast, I had to pull out of carline and into a parking space. We walked Drew into his class and came back to the car.

That's when I realized that I'd lost my cell phone. After 20 minutes of searching and several of my preschool mom friends calling my phone over and over while listening for the ring, I found the phone and was finally off to our big outing of the day...

BIBLE STUDY!!! I was so excited to return to my ladies' Bible Study this morning for the first time with my daughter. And although I was exhausted from a rough morning with little sleep, I had a wonderful time catching up with friends and spending some precious time in praise and worship.

After Bible Study was over, I walked out to my car and noticed that I'd missed 5 phone calls and 2 text messages. With an hour to spare before I had to pick up Drew from school, I made my way home to return the phone calls and check emails.

Before I knew it, the time had come to go pick up the boy.

That is when I realized that I'd lost my cell phone.

A frantic search turned up nothing. I left without it and picked my son up from school. I made it with not even a minute to spare before I was officially "late". The last mom (and aunt, I was picking up my nephew, too) to pull through, I was informed by both boys that I was late and that they were the last kids to be picked up. As I apologized, my son looked at the preschool director sympathetically and said to her, "OK, Now you can go home, too!"


We arrived home with a mission in mind. FIND THAT PHONE!! Only after cleaning out my entire car, dumping the diaper bag, employing the help of my sister and remembering that the phone was on vibrate... we finally found it.

At the bottom of the big black trash can in the garage. I have no explanation for that.

I'm happy to report that I made it to the end of the day without losing the phone (again) or any of my children.

My mind? Well, that's another story...

1 comment:

Surviving 4 said...

Wish I had something more thoughtful to say than, "Been there. Done that." And I wish I could tell you that days like this are rare. All I CAN tell you is that granny panties and mom jeans make excellent butt padding. :) Love you!